Securities Fraud and Mismanagement

Attorney and Counselor at Law

303-300-5022 / 844-253-5858 Toll Free

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Colorado Springs Securities Lawyer

Colorado Springs Securities Lawyer

Jeffrey Pederson is a securities lawyer representing Colorado Springs residents and has done so for over 20 years. He successfully handled hundreds of cases concerning fraudulent securities sales, inappropriate and unsuitable securities sales, financial advisor and investment advisor negligence. The firm’s offices are located north of Colorado Springs, and south of Denver, in the Denver Tech Center.

Thomson / Reuters named Jeffrey Pederson a Colorado SuperLawyer in the area of securities litigation for the period of 2021 – 2023. This designation is given to only the top 5% of the attorneys practicing securities litigation in Colorado.

Colorado Springs is unique. Likewise, Colorado securities laws and Colorado FINRA arbitration panels are unique. Hiring a Colorado attorney assists investors in both areas. Hiring the wrong attorney can lead to a lower settlement or judgment.

Further, a Colorado lawyer can also pursue those responsible for your losses in ways an attorney from outside Colorado may not. Some defendants are not bound by an arbitration agreement and investors can only pursue them in Colorado state court. An attorney cannot file such a claim unless that attorney is licensed in Colorado or adequately affiliates with a Colorado attorney. As such, you might not be recovering all losses if you do not use such a Colorado attorney.

Additionally, Colorado Springs and El Paso County are unique in the types of securities matters that arise. We know this from our history in the area. There is a high rate of fraud from financial professionals selling investments that pay a high commission but are not adequately vetted. Ponzi investments and “selling away” fraud are common forms of this. Selling away is where investment professionals sell an investment without clearing with the firm’s compliance. These actions entitle an investor to recovery for the investor’s losses. Consequently, a Colorado lawyer can best represent you.

Jeffrey Pederson PC also handles other types of investment cases. This includes matters of churning, over concentration, variable annuity sales, and other investments that are inconsistent with the objectives and risk tolerance of an investor. The firm pursues such claims often and has a high degree of success in handling such claims.

Contact us for a free and confidential consultation. We can be reached by telephone at 303-300-5022 or 844-253-5858 Toll Free. If more convenient, you can email Jeffrey Pederson directly at

Colorado Springs residents need a securities lawyer licensed in Colorado.
Colorado law, like Colorado Springs, is unique. You may benefit from a Colorado lawyer.