Securities Fraud and Mismanagement

Attorney and Counselor at Law

303-300-5022 / 844-253-5858 Toll Free

Did the actions/inactions of my broker fall below the required standard of care?

We’ll tell you, for FREE.

New Jersey

Network 1 Financial ETF Losses

From August 2010 to September 2015 Network 1 Financial failed to establish and enforce a supervisory system reasonably designed to supervise advisor sales of complex investments such as leveraged, inverse, and inverse-leveraged exchange-traded funds (ETFs).  These are...

Platinum Partners

We are currently investigating losses suffered by investors in Platinum Partners.  If you have suffered losses please call 1-866-817-0201 for a free consultation with an attorney. As reported on December 19, 2016 in the Wall Street Journal, top executives of hedge...

Caldwell International Securities

If you suffered losses at Caldwell International Securities, please call 1-866-817-0201 and request to speak to an attorney concerning this investigation. Caldwell International Securities and a variety of its representatives were named respondents in a FINRA...

Oil or Gas Investment Losses

Jeffrey Pederson, P.C. helps investors determine if they have a right to recover investment losses in oil, gas or other investments.  Please call 1-866-817-0201 toll-free for a free and confidential consultation. While brokers will unlikely blame the 2020 decline in...